Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TableLayoutPanel Control


I am trying to create an Excel-like table in Visual Basic 2005 / Visual C# 2005 EE.

I use TableLayoutPanel control to present the data.

However, I found out that this table layout is not very efficient, like: I can't draw the border for specific cell, nor can I resize one cell to be bigger than others.

Is there a way to do this? Or maybe there is a better way to create an Excel-like table?

Many thanks in advanced!!!!


Is this a web control??

Actually, I use Visual Basic 2005 EE for Windows Form. I don't know if VWD 2005 EE has the same control or not.

I am trying to build an application that run in Windows OS. The application will need this Excel-like table layout.

Thanks for you help and time, really appreciated that.

Can somebody help me please?

Many thanks in advanced!


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