Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TableCell: BackColor Property But No BackGround Property?

I am using an ASP:Table Control to make a table. I know that the HTML TD tag
has a background attribute and a bgcolor attribute. The TableCell has a
BackColor property, which is the equivelant of the HTML bgcolor attribute,
but what can I use as an equivelant for the HTML background attribute?
Nathan Sokalski would have to look but my first thought is this. The control will render
whatever attribute you add. So you can add it declaratively with
attribute="value" syntax or on in the code you can add it through the
Attributes collection on the control.

control.Attributes.Add("Name", "Value");

I think you can do this too, because I think it is a NameValueCollection
which means it handles the add automatically.
control.Attributes["Name"] = "Value";

"Nathan Sokalski" wrote:

> I am using an ASP:Table Control to make a table. I know that the HTML TD tag
> has a background attribute and a bgcolor attribute. The TableCell has a
> BackColor property, which is the equivelant of the HTML bgcolor attribute,
> but what can I use as an equivelant for the HTML background attribute?
> Thanks.
> --
> Nathan Sokalski


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