Doing some webapp. in ASP.NET and using som of tutorials from this site
http://www.asp.net/learn/dataaccess/default.aspx?tabid=63 . I havent seen
anything aboat transactions. Is it TableAdapters that runs the show ?
Or if not, where to implement it, becouse whan you to insert data you use a GridView or DetailsView
point to some methode yuo allready made in TableAdapter and thats it. Or am I missing somthing?
Its Connection object which handles transactions for you.
SqlTransaction tran = Conn.BeginTransaction();
If you are using DataAdaptor, get the command object,
SqlCommand cmdDelete = DataAdaptor.GetDeleteCommand();
SqlCommand cmdInsert = DataAdaptor.GetInsertCommand();
SqlCommand cmdUpdate = DataAdaptor.GetUpdateCommand();
cmdDelete.Transaction = tran;
cmdInsert.Transaction = tran;
cmdUpdate.Transaction = tran;
Assign this tranaction object to a SQLCommand, use
tran.rollback, to rollbak transactions
tran.commit, to commit transactions
Hope this answers your question.
I think I've got it!!! :-)
ClientTableAdapter clientAdapt =newClientTableAdapter();
SqlConnection myConnection =newSqlConnection("server=(local)\\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=Novabaza");SqlCommand myCommand =newSqlCommand();SqlTransaction myTrans;// Open the connection.
// Assign the connection property.myCommand.Connection = myConnection;
// Begin the transaction.myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction();
// Assign transaction object for a pending local transactionmyCommand.Transaction = myTrans;
// Create a SavepointclientAdapt.InsertClientdata(TextBoxName.Text, TextBoxSurname.Text,Convert.ToInt32(TextBoxTelnr.Text));myTrans.Commit();Response.Write(
" Records are written to the database!");}
catch (Exception ex)
Response.Write("Record is not written to the database!");throw ex;
InsertClientdata() is a query procedure I've made within (Client)tableadapter.
Now I'm goign to try something about using several adapters and creating some "SavePoints" for RollBack
Thanks a lot
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